Fencing is probably one of the most important purchases that you will ever make for your farm, and it is a hard purchase to make because there are so many choices to choose from. It is important that you choose the right type of fencing that will suit your individual needs since this is what will be protecting your livestock. Plus, the right fencing will help save time and money in the future on repairs and replacements. Here is a brief look at three common types of farm fencing and what they best suited for.
1. Electric Fencing
Electric fencing, which is generally made out of high-tensile wire or polywire, is best suited for keeping predators out and animals in. If you have goats, sheep, or similar livestock, electric fencing will minimize the access that predators have to them.
Because electric fencing comes in a variety of materials, it is generally able to accommodate a range of budgets. However, it is important to realize that you will need a control source and high-quality power in order to maximize the fencing's efficacy.
Electric fencing can last for many years because it is relatively durable. It is sufficient for temporary fencing since it is easy to install, and it can even be used as a supplemental fencing option for additional escape deterrence if you have some livestock that keeps trying to get away.
2. Barbed Wire Fencing
Barbed wire fencing is often considered a staple for farms. It is made with barbs that have thick wire stands, and as such, it is effective at keeping predators out and animals in.
However, if you have sheep or horses, barbed wire fencing is not recommended because it is sharp and poses a significant hazard. It is hard for horses to see the fencing, increasing the risk of injury, and sheep can get tangled up in it, causing injuries and ruining their wool.
It is ideal for various other livestock, though, particularly cattle, and it is effective when added to pigpen fencing to help prevent the pigs from trying to burrow underneath it.
3. Panel Fencing
Livestock panels are the perfect options for hogs, cattle, and corrals. These are easy to set up and lightweight, but they are also durable and low maintenance. Corrals are generally available in 12-foot panels, and they are made of steel rods. The panels latch onto one another, which is why they are so easy to put up.
On the other hand, hog and cattle panels are connected with t-posts and are constructed of steel mesh wire that slightly bends. These are available in 16-foot panels, making them a bit difficult to transport, but they are extremely durable and can withstand various weather conditions.
If you need more information on the type of fencing that you need for your farm, contact an agricultural supplier such as Big Springs Equipment.